
i3dViewer lets you zoom, pan and rotate to “walk around” your virtual kitchen, bedroom or other design model. Models can be directly created by AllMasterSoftware or other compatible products – they are single files with extension .3dz and contain everything needed for 3D viewing.



·       Click here to see more Screenshots from the running i3dViewer

·       Select Model

·       Navigation

·       Browse FTP Storage

·       Upload files via HTTP when in wireless range

·       Creating New Models

·       Distributing Your Own Models

·       Contact Us



Select model

To commence viewing, tap on a model (.3dz) file in the “Select model” list, and it will start 3D rendering. Rendering takes a matter of seconds, then you can navigate around the view. You can also download new models from any FTP site or if you are in wireless range, simply copy models from your PC using a browser.



·         Rotate: Swipe with single finger, up-down or left-right rotations are allowed.

·         Zoom: Two finger pinch to zoom in and spread to zoom out.

·         Pan: Two finger drag to pan.

·         Double tap: Menu pops up, allowing you to rotate the model.
Initial viewing direction looks horizontally at the room and rotations allow left-right turns and up-down movements, eg up to a birdseye view. But you cannot get rotations that ‘tilt the horizon’. You can do an initial rotation of the model through 90 degrees about the X Y or Z axis which then lets your single finger swipe rotations rotate around other axes.


Browse FTP storage

Press the setup cogwheel to get to the Select model screen. From here, select the “Browse FTP storage” option. This lets you select the FTP server from your list of favourite servers, or “Add new server”. Select an FTP server from the list by tapping on it. Or change its login details using the arrow on the right.

When you select an FTP server, it displays all folders visible and any .3dz files in them. You can tap on a folder to navigate down into it, or tap on the “..” folder to navigate back up to the parent folder. Tap on a .3dz model file to download it to local storage.


Upload files here by HTTP

Press the setup cogwheel to get to the Select model screen. From here, select the “Upload files here by HTTP” option. Provided you are in wireless range, this displays the current wireless IP address of your iPhone like this...

While the iPhone stays on this screen, you can just type the URL into the browser address bar on your PC. Eg for Internet Explorer, just type in the number and press enter. For the example above, just type and press enter. The browser will complete the address line, adding http:// and immediately display a webpage like this:

Here, you can see the same list of models as already loaded onto your iPhone. Now the buttons at the bottom let you “Browse” to find a new .3dz file saved on your hard drive or a thumb drive etc, and select it. Then click on “Send” to upload it directly to your iPhone.

Creating new models

AllMasterSoftware products like CabMasterPro and other compatible products let you directly create the .3dz models to use here. Kitchen manufacturers using AMS for their design work can easily give you a .3dz model of your new kitchen so you can “take it home” and preview before you buy. Also check out the “Samples from AMS” ftp site regularly for new models to download and view in 3D. Browse to the subfolders to see more models, such as bedroom designs. All these models were created directly from AMS CabMasterPro. Tap the AMS logo at the top of this screen (or click here) to visit the AMS website for further information.


Distributing your own models

Tap the Help button at the top of this screen (or click here) to visit the AMS website for more information on the i3dViewer and also on setting up your own FTP site. If you are an AMS user it is easy to create and distribute models of your own designs to your customers. Of course customers can pick up their 3dz models using wireless when they visit your showroom, but as you change their design, it may be convenient to provide the updated models via FTP so they can access them immediately from home. AMS provides a limited individual FTP service free to users on support.


Contact Us

For support questions, suggestions, bug reports, please send email to i3dViewer@allmastersoftware.com . Be sure to include screenshot(s) and the ftp address of the downloadable 3dz model, which you should make accessible. You can obtain a screenshot on the iPhone by holding the top powerbutton in then pressing the Home (circular) button. Note that we are not able to answer every email individually due to the volume of enquiries, but we do value your feedback and will use it to make the next version even better! Enjoy!